While most areas of family law involve very sensitive issues, there may be none more delicate than issues regarding custody and visitation. Parents who are at odds may use the children as cudgels against each other. This could mean that instead of making decisions that are in the best interest of the children, parents may make decisions that end up hurting the child instead. At the Law Office of Raleigh D. Kalbfleisch, we hope to help parents avoid bad decisions that can make a bad situation worse. Our led attorney has experienced the tough situations of families in turmoil first hand. She uses those experiences to guide parents toward a good path.
We will gain an understanding of what the child needs going forward and encourage clients to move in a direction that meets those needs first and foremost. We use our knowledge of what Illinois courts use to determine custody and visitation to help guide our advice to you, the client. We will consider, just as the courts do, factors like the child’s age and status, and the amount of parenting each has done in the past.
If the parents can agree to a plan, it is great. However, moving towards mediation may be where custody decisions are made. If the parties cannot agree there, then a judge may have to make a decision. It is here where our team can be extremely helpful to families in this situation.
If you are making decisions about child custody or visitation, contact us. We can also provide assistance on matters of changing orders and terminating orders if necessary. Contact us at the Law Office of Raleigh D. Kalbfleisch today.
600 Roosevelt Road, Suite B-1
Wheaton, IL 60187
Law Office of Raleigh D Kalbfleisch